A Prayer for America…Land of the Free offered by Patrina
Lord, I lift my voice in praise for who you are. Your Mercy and Grace endures forever. Your provision in such a time as this is still ample for our needs. We have not been a nation of “lack”. I am painfully aware of the many desolate peoples all over the earth that truly are in need. Why you have chosen to bless America with such abundance is your story. I come before you in humble adoration and with a thankful heart for lifting us above slavery and restoring freedom from shore to shore. But I fear we are losing our way, as we enslave ourselves to the subtlety of “other things”. We the People of America have been given so much, yet we desire more. My prayer today is for a time of surrender – to your will, O Lord?
America was founded as “One Nation Under God”. Our money purports “In God We Trust”. But it has begun a decent of these truths. Without you, as our ultimate leader, we are like chaff in the wind. Bring us to our knees, Lord. Cause us to humbly seek your face and turn from our wicked ways, that you might hear from heaven and heal our land. The richness of our soil has created poverty of the soul. Strongholds have enslaved our minds to things that keep us from fellowship with you, Lord. “One Nation Under God” has been thrown out as politically incorrect. Forgive them Lord, for they know not what they do.
Bring us back to community and family, O Lord. Open our eyes that we might see the needs of those around us. And give us desire to intervene where it is within our capacity and capability to do so. When we lack strength and resources, enlarge our territory for your Glory. Help us to see this great Nation from your perspective. Empower us as believers to turn this country around for your Glory. Bestow upon us Believing Bloggers the extraordinary faith of Deborah, who, because of her simple faith, was used to turn the nation of Israel back to you, O Lord. Her simple faith facilitated your hand in bringing peace to the land for 40 years. May we be a generation of Faithful Believing Bloggers – allowing Peace to reign in our hearts - praying for Peace from sea to shinning sea.
The fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much. Prayer is a privilege, a tool to communicate our hearts desire. Because you have given us the freedom of choice, prayer invites you into our circumstance to intervene. So today, I ask your intervention in the diseased heartbeat of America. Do by-pass surgery and restore our hearts to receive your life flowing blood, that we may walk renewed with hopeful hearts and transformed minds – to do the will of the Lord. In Jesus Name Amen.
Cause Us O Lord –
To TURN from our wicked ways
To SEEK your truth
To PRAISE you O Lord
To GLORIFY your Name
To SING our song again
To REMEMBER our pledge to thee
To STAND on your promises
To PRAY your will
To ASK for your direction
To OPEN our eyes, our hearts, our hands
To WALK in straight paths
To FOLLOW your wisdom
To HOPE for a new day
To WATCH expectantly
In Jesus name we ask
Amen and Amen
America the Beautiful...One Nation Under God!! Bring us back under your authority, Lord, and give her, our America, your shining Glory from sea to shining sea!
Amen <")>><
Father, please forgive this Nation. Forgive us for the going against Your word. I beg of you Lord. Please reverse the damages that have been done. Are you not the one who saved Lot on Abraham's account?
Today we come to you to pray for America. I pray for the leadership. I pray that you will guide president Obama's heart, because the hearts of kings are in your hands (Proverbs 21:1).
I also pray Lord, that your children will rise up and be who you called them to be in this Nation.
Thank You Lord. Thank you for using Patrina to pray such a powerful prayer such as this.
Amen and Amen
Amen and Amen. King of Glory you once said to abraham for the sake of 10 people you will not destroy Sodom & Gomorrah; and I believe Lord that if he had asked you for the sake of one You would have spared the city.
King of glory there are more than two asking You Lord to spare the Nation of the US. Father have mercy on them and forgive them their sins. It is tru Lord that they have wondered away from their pledge and have violated the vows and promises they made to you in the begining. Our Lord and God in keeping with all Your righteous acts, please turn away Your anger and Your wrath from them, and build them up again. Because of Your great mercy dear Lord, incline Your ears to our prayers and forgive and heal America. For they are people founded in You. A people whose Trust was in You.
Thank You Lord for this opportunity to come together to pray for our nations. Thank You Lord for answered prayers. In Jesus Name. Amen.
Amen an Amen... Father Lord, thank you for the previlege and honour to come together and pray to you. To remember your name is a gift, to say your name is indeed a blessing.
Father Lord, we come together and pray, we interceed for the nation of America. Lord have mercy. Like and with the boldness of Abraham, Lord we ask you to please have mercy on the nation of America, for the righteous that dwell therein and the prayers of your children.
Father, Lord I know your word says you will have mercy on whom you will have mercy, but we plead, please have mercy on America. We pray like David and ask you to forgive our many, many sins. Sins of corruption, of greed and of killing the souls of man, of trying to take you out of the equation of the living (like it was even possible!)
In your power Lord, turn this nation back round to you. Turn this nation back round to it's first Love you.
YOur word also says to pray for our leaders, so we pray for the president of America and his ofice and we ask that your will and kingdom come through them. I pray for godly wisdom and counsel that comes only from you Lord. Teach what is right and show what should be rejected.
Father Lord, we your children pray in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
Believer ooooh... God bless you for creating this forum...
Much love xx
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