Easter Message

Good Friday

It's called a Good Friday because we have been given the ability to see more. More than Jesus walking down the Via Dolorosa, more than carrying carrying the cross He was eventually nailed to, more than the tears that were shed on our behalf. We see beyond the trials and tribulations to the VICTORY! For the joy that was set before Him, He endured the pain and the shame. The circumstances we face may be uncomfortable but we can still say 'It is well' and by faith say 'This is a good day because the story isn't over, my resurrection day is coming! Happy Easter!


On Saturday it seemed like all they had was a tomb! But actually it was more than that, for they had a PROMISE. Sometimes it seems like all we have is a dead dream and all our hope is in a tomb with a heavy stone at the entrance preventing us from reaching it! Saturday was the Sabbath, a day of rest in God. Saturday is the day to be STILL and know He is God. Even when all seems quiet, God is working. Like a seed of grain, death precedes germination, giving way to a new life. Hold on to God, your story cannot be complete until the story teller writes 'The End'. Till then rejoice, not in circumstances but in your God. Happy Easter.


He lives! The power that raised Christ from the dead is available to you today. Nothing that we face equates to the power at work in us. Our hope is in a God who lives. Remember that. Happy Easter.