Thursday 22 February 2007

...this is the day

Hi there

This is the day that the Lord has made, i will rejoice and be glad in it. Today, i have decided to walk in the peace of God. My experiments have gone haywire but that doesn't matter, as long as my mind is still with me, I can start over.
This morning on the train, i was reading the Psalms. I absolutely adore the Psalms because it is all about being real. I can relate a lot to David because i think we have similar personalities in that we love to commit our thoughts to paper, we think a lot and we love being REAL. I mean David said it all...i escpecially feel him when he begins to talk about betrayal from friends, those that have been close to him, eaten with him, talked with him but yet have laughed and turned their backs on him when he needed them the most. He always concludes that even though people leave, God never.
I have been thinking a lot about friendship these days because it is an important part of our lives. We need people in our lives before whom we can be real, no acting, no makeup or masks and still know that even when they have seen us at our lowest they will still be there for us to support, pray and advice us. Even if today, you don't feel like you have these people in your life, please remember God is the best friend you can ever have because the love He has for you is not conditional on anything. Even when you don't choose Him, He loves you.
The circumstances that I have found myself in always still point me back to a God who loves me and wants to relate with me.
How about you? How are you feeling today, please if you read this and you just want to talk to someone, please drop a line, i will get back to you as soon as I can.
Work beckons now, i hope i get the time to add a few lines later. Please also take time to do the puzzle (see 19/02).
Have a great day.


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