Tuesday 4 January 2011

2011: Our year of greater achievements

a.chieve.ment [uh-cheev-muhnt]: Something accomplished esp. by superior ability, special effort, great courage...a great heroic deed (Dictionary.com)

In KICC, this is the prophecy for this year that 2011 is our year of greater achievement. Personally I call this my dear of double (2+0; 1+1)..double honour, double breakthrough, double responsibility, double achievement, double strength, double abilities. 'Everything na double double'. Declaring what a year will be before it ends requires faith, strength, determination and hard work.

We call 'those things that be not as though they are' like our God who 'declares the end of a thing from the beginning'...Stephen Covey says it well when he says 'beginning with the end in mind'. This is a season where we are inundated with adverts about resolutions...losing weight, giving up smoking, holidays..they all key into you looking at where/who/what you want to be sometime later this year. We all must achieve something this year but it's not just going to happen, we have to actively participate in life. Like John Legend sang 'wake up everybody, no more sleeping in bed'.

At the Watchnight service, Pastor Matthew shared some steps to ensure 2011 would be our best year yet. Definitely worth meditating on.

  • Decide to search aggressively for the voice of the Holy Spirit.
  • Decide to build a process and reputation in problem solving
  • Decide to enter every atmosphere as a learner
  • Decide to examine every relationship in your life to discern who is making divine deposits
  • Decide to fix specific goals that unlock your dream and energy...I add...decide to write them down
  • Decide to sow favour lavishly
  • Decide to fully embrace moments to express giant steps (life will bring you those opportunities...don't be afraid Go with God)
A very Happy New Year to you all. I pray that indeed it will be a new beginning for those like me who need one. That it will be a year of furthering your destiny in the right direction. That we walk the path God intended, we be not afraid, we go with God. This is going to be our best year yet.

Keep believing,



Jennifer A. said...

Happy new year, Zoe. There's never anything like 'a period of stagnation' in God's book; with Him, there will always be an increase. I like the theme for this year, "Greater Achievement." I receive it in my life in Jesus Name. Amen.

Jennifer A. said...

Thank you so much for sharing, I believe we will share our testimonies at the end of this year (forgot to add that.)

Blessing said...

Happy New Year!!! Amen to your prayers and thanks for sharing! May this be one of the best years of our lives!!!

Anonymous said...

Happy New year, Zoe. Looking forward to greater achievements.

Good Naija Girl said...

Ammmeeeen. I really enjoyed this; it's a great motivation for the new year.

Happy New Year to you!