All the glory must be to our God
For He is worthy of our praise
No one on earth should give glory to himself
All the glory must be to the Lord
(I can't remember who sang this song but author you are acknowledged)
Where would I be without my Father and my King? Where would I be without my God? The One who created me with ten fingers and ten toes. The One who watches over and protects me, we woke up this morning to realise that the door was not properly locked..surely He is true to His word that evil will never come near our dwelling place. Father, I bless you, I give you glory, I honour and magnify your name. You are good and your mercies endureth forever.
Down at your feet O lord
is the Most High place
In your presence Lord
I seek your face
For there is no higher calling
No greater honour
than to bow
and kneel before your throne
I'm amazed at your glory
embraced by your mercy
Lord I (help me) live to worship you
(Can't find the author of this either)
Dear Daddy, some days it seems that you are so far away. I pray but it feels like the prayer is not going past the roof, i get anxious, i get upset because i need an answer and it seems that you are not forthcoming. Forgive me for sometimes I search for alternatives, for Ishmael because I say to myself.."just in case He doesn't come through". I repent of this O Lord. Father, your word says that we will hear a voice telling us the way that we should walk in but sometimes I do not hear a voice, all I get is silence, a screaming silence for silence can be louder than the greatest noise.
Lord, I remember your word today, that even when you are silent you are with me. Your word says that you are with me always even to the end of the age. Remind me that when I scream "Lord, where are you, why have you forsaken me" that you've been there all along. That I do not see your footprints in the sand does not mean you are not there. You were with Job for 37 chapters when all hell broke through in his life but you did not speak until Chapter 38. You were there when Joeseph's brothers sold him into slavery, when he was thrown in prison and up to his days in the palace. You were there when David was singled out from amongst his brothers to care and tend for the sheep, you were there when Lot selfishly chose the 'better' land for himself. If you were there for all these people, Lord I know that you are there for me. David sais that there is no where we can hide from your presence from the depths of hell to the highest heavens. Remind me Father that you are with me. Keep my mind sane when I feel you are far away. Let your word come and strengthen my heart and let me keep pressing in to know you more and to fulfill the destiny you have created me for in Jesus name.
Dear God, I pray for strength not to give in to temptations that will pose a barrier between me and you, for you have commanded me to be holy and set apart as you are holy. Create in me a clean heart O Lord, renew a right spirit within me. Thank you for being a God who is close, for being a God who is there. You said I should call upon you and you will answer. Speak to me O Lord, I need to hear your voice, I need you to touch me and keep me whole. Thank you Father, thank you Lord.
And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age. Matthew 28:20
Where can I go from your Spirit? Where can I flee from your presence? If I go up to the heavens, you are there; if I make my bed in the depths, you are there. If I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of the sea, even there your hand will guide me, your right hand will hold me fast. Psalm 139:7-10

bless you..
Yes indeedyyyyyyy... O Lord our God, strenghten us in our moment of weakness. For thou O Lord are worthy of praise.
Amen,i echoed every bit of that prayer.
Love your blog. Love the concept. Following it, would be sure to track every positive tril from it... God bless you.
@simeone: God bless you my brother. Mo ti miss e..
@LOASCM: Nne, if u don't call me when u land, i will take it pesornal yes personal...
@telekinesys: Amen and amen
@adejoh: God bless you much my brother..
Hey dearie... God bless you immensely...
Your deligence is simply amazing..
Just dropping by to show some love.. hope this year has been going good for you so far.. remember to keep rising, running and reigning in God's power, strength and love... Let your light shineee for all to see..
Have an awesome favor filled weekend..
lotta love. x
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