A prayer for light
Jehovah El-Elyon, the Most High God. El-Roi, the God who sees, Adonai, El-Shaddai, Jehovah Shammah, Jehovah Nissi, Jehovah Rapha, Jehovah Tsikendu, Jehovah Rohi, Elohim, so many names, one God, so many facets, one God. God who is my shield, God who is my song, God who is my maker. The Lion and the lamb, my rose of sharon, my lily in the valley, my bright and morning star. The sugar in my tea, the One who makes me smile. The One I love totally, without abandon, the one who makes me breakdance in the lab much my amazement, the one who makes me laugh, the one who wipes away my tears, pats me on the back and tells me to keep going forward.
Father, I bless you because you are my light. There is none that can be compared to you for indeed you are very great. At the beginning of creation you commanded that there be light and since then there has always been light. You did this first because you were aware of the importance light has. Sometimes I'm looking for things, trying to organise things but I'm doing it in darkness, how then can I know the way. Switch on the light in my life O Lord. Be my light and salvation. Your word says your light shines in darkness and the darkness cannot comprehend it. So may it be in my life O Lord.
Daddy, your word says that darkness covers the earth and a thick darkness over the people for we have turned our backs on you. Forgive us Lord. Your word has also promised that I will arise and SHINE for my light has come as your glory has risen upon me. Let your glory always cover me all the days of my life, let your light come that I may see, not with natural eyes but with the supernatural. I will see the answers to mysteries, I will see solutions to problems. I will see the road that takes me to destiny in the mighty name of Jesus.
I claim your word which says that the sun will no longer be my light by day or the brightness of the moon shine on me for you have become my EVERLASTING light and you are my GLORY. Daddy, this means that irrespective of seasons I am blessed. Like a tree planted by everlasting rivers of water I am always fruitful for I do not depend on the natural as I begin to walk in the supernatural. Thank you Father, I lift up the issues in my life that require your light before your throne of grace, expectant of an answer. Show me the way through in Jesus name. Thank you for the fact that the promises in your word are always yes and Amen.
2009 continues to remain our year of POSSIBILITIES, ACHIEVEMENT and FULFILLING DESTINY. Remain blessed and highly favoured..
The sun will no more be your light by day,nor will the brightness of the moon shine on you, for the LORD will be your everlasting light and your God will be your glory. Isaiah 60:19
The LORD is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? Psalm 27:1a
Picture from Flickr
chichi said:
how are you doing dear?
I receive all of Heaven's delight.
I wish you a very Happy and fulfilled New Year.
"Sometimes I'm looking for things, trying to organise things but I'm doing it in darkness, how then can I know the way. Switch on the light in my life O Lord."
How r u?
@anon: I'm blessed o..
@debbie: happy new year to you as well, I'm believing God for greater things..
@oluwadee: Amen, Mo wa o..
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