Monday 7 May 2007

Life:A-Z, E is for Exercise

1st Timothy 4:8 (NIV) For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life that is to come

So, some time last year I had a 'revelation' that the extra weight I was carrying was not just going to disappear on it's own. Changing my eating habits wasn't going to be enough..I had to sweat it out. So I took up walking, jogging and going to the gym. I haven't reached my ideal weight but anytime I go to the gym, I give myself a pat on the back because I know I'm closing in on the distance between where I am and where I need to be.

I encourage everyone reading this, no matter what your weight is to include some form of exercise into your life because it is quite important. If, like me you want to lose weight but it's something you've shelved for later, I suggest you take it off from the shelf, dust it and make a DECISION to start today. For some encouragement, read London Buki's and Mrs somebody's blog. You can do it! I'll also blog about my progress to encourage you and to keep me accountable.

I was pondering on the verse above..physically, i know the profit my body has made due to the exercise I have been doing but the Word says that this is little compared to the profit that I make through godliness. What is godliness? To me, it is becoming God-like, living how God would want me to live, exhibiting attributes of His character like love, holiness and purity.

I also realised that there are some similarities between bodily exercise and godliness which I now see as a form of 'spiritual exercise'. Firstly, living a godly life is not easy. I remember the first day I jogged last year..thought I was going to faint! Living a godly life, especially in the days we are in now 'where men have preferred darkness to light' requires more than willpower and discipline but the grace of God cos only He can give us the strength to walk on the narrow way.

Also, like having a jogging/exercise buddy helps me remain motivated, having close people to whom I can be accountable and who encourage and counsel me when I want to give in to popular culture instead of God's way has helped me greatly on my journey. Disclaimer: Please, please, please, allow the Lord to guide you in choosing those to whom you reveal intimate secrets of your life. I'm still praying and believing God to send the right people my way.

Finally, both types of exercise have their reward. Now, I can jog longer, lift heavier and stretch wider, spiritually I am walking in new levels in my relationship with the Lord because as I seek to be like Him, He reveals more of Himself to me accompanied by His favour and blessing because 'He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him'.

There are also long term benefits. I look forward to the day when I will take part in the London Marathon and fit properly into my dream dress size (with no acrobatics!) and also to when my Lord and Saviour will say "Well done, good and faithful servant".

Remain blessed


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