Friday 19 November 2010

iPray Fridays: Works of my hands

May the favour of the Lord our God rest on us; establish the work of our hands for us yes, establish the work of our hands.
 Psalm 90:17

I'm so excited about an iPray Friday feels like its been a very, very long time. I was going to pray about jobs because this is an area where I and a few friends need a testimony but I decided to look at it in a different way...looking at the bigger picture. The works of my hands. There aren't specific prayer points about jobs in the Bible but we know that God delights in us making profit. I still believe that children of God were created for more than just a job. We must all work and we all have been blessed by God with unique talents, skills and abilities that we may make profit from and use to the glory of God. I just don't want any job to keep body and soul together..I want to be a blessing in any organisation I find myself in and also be blessed by them. In this season I'm also praying for God to open my eyes to those abilities that I possess that I can use for His glory and that I can also turn into cash.

We take too many things for granted, our writing skills, our culinary skills, our organisational and communication skills. Dear Lord, open our eyes that we may see, may your favour rest upon us, establish the works of our hands..

So today, pray in your own words about the works of your hands, what do you want God to do for you and through you while you are here? Click comments and join us in prayer!

Let's pray together..


Zoe Believer said...

Dear Daddy, once again thank You for the gift of a new day. I bless and magnify your name because You are God and there is absolutely no one that compares with you. Lord your word says that You will show us favour and bless the works of our hands. Great works start with blessed ideas...Today I ask for a renewal of blessed ideas in my life in Jesus name. Show me what to do and how to do it well. I commit all my writing assignments before You, those are the works of my hands, please bless them in Jesus name. Father deliver me from a spirit that envies the works of others and neglects the purpose you have designed me for. Help me to celebrate others, their skills, talents and abilities. Help me to nurture in others, their skills, talents and abilities. Help me to do what I need to do when I need to do it. Break the spirit of fear that always nags at the back of my mind reminding me of past failures, I receive a new attitude that of a winner. I see myself winning, I see myself finishing strong. I commit my project before Your throne of grace. Although I started with You, somewhere along the line I decided to be project manager and I'm making such a mess of it! Help me to hand the reins back over to You in Jesus name I pray. I commit all my friends and family who are believing You for jobs, give them exceedingly, abundantly above all they can ask think or imagine. Thank you Lord for answered prayers

Unknown said...

Dear Father,
I thank you for the gift of life and health..
I worship you from the epths of my heart.. from the crown of my head to the soles of my feet, I honour you and adore you immensely.
Who's like unto thee?
I appreciate you so very much and I love you so very much.
I'm filled so many requests but all that I can utter or type are just praises for you cause I just have this conviction that you have done it all..
It's been like this with me for sometime now..
I thank you Father lord,
You the El-Shaddai
The kings of Kings
The I am that I am
Alpha and Omega
The Solid Rock on which I stand..
The one who never leaves nor forsakes me.
The same Yesterday,Today and forever
How can I cope without you?
You my source and my stay
My strenght when I have none left..
My standby..
I could on and on....