Sunday 8 February 2009

A season of prayer: Day 31

A Prayer for the organisation where I work

Dear God, Creator of Heaven and Earth.

Who is there like you
O Lord
You who created us in your likeness
Who is there like you
O Lord
It's an honour Lord
To stand and worship you
(Words not mine)

Father in Heaven
How I love you
I lift your name in all the earth
May your kingdom be established
in our praises
As your daughter
I declare your mighty works
(Words not mine)

God you are a good God. Indeed you are a good God and your mercies endureth forever. Your faithfulness reaches to the clouds, you are a wonderful God. I am truly in awe of you.

Father, I use this opportunity to thank you for the job that I have. Thank you for everything, thank you for bringing me into this organisation through your favour and for using it as a source of blessing to me.

Daddy, you said that if I am willing and obedient I will eat the good of the land, you have been true to your word. You are my source but through my job I have paid my bills, honed my skills, met people who have become like my family. Thank you Jesus, Today I commit the organisation where I work before your throne of grace, in these shaky days I ask for wisdom. I commit the leadership before your throne of grace as their decisions affect not only the employees but those who depend on the employees as well. Help them to make the best decisions even when it is difficult, help them not to walk in fear but to uphold what is right. Guide us through this storm O Lord, let us learn from any mistakes we make and keep growing.

Father, I thank you for in this season in my life you have deemed it fit for me to be here, forgive me for complaining and grumbling sometimes, help me to be a light in this place. Help me as your word says to work as unto you and not unto men. Teach me to work with integrity, teach me to prioritise and do my bit to make this place shine. Give me the knowledge of witty inventions to work smart and contribute to our success. Give me a renewed passion for what I do in Jesus name.
Thank you father. This is my season of open doors, thank you in advance for testimonies in Jesus name.

The LORD will send a blessing on your barns and on everything you put your hand to. The LORD your God will bless you in the land he is giving you. Exodus 28:8

Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might, for in the grave, where you are going, there is neither working nor planning nor knowledge nor wisdom. Ecclesiastes 9:10

Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men Colossians 3:23


chichi said...

awesome prayer. I am in agreement with you.

Rita said...

Amen...I love your prayers...

O'Dee said...

I just finished complaining about things where i work.
This has put me back inline.

Hope you are good.

Zoe Believer said...

Chichi: Amen and Amen

Rita: So be it in Jesus name, how are you doing

Oluwadee: Thank God, i am well by His grace