A prayer for clarity of purpose
Heavenly Father, I praise and magnify your name for you are indeed worthy of all praise. Creation speaks of the goodness of the Lord, of your manifold wisdom, of your unquestionable splendour and your exceptional great taste! So many times I wish that I could speak more languages so that I could express in many more words who you are and what you mean to me. Ancient of Days; the One who has always been, always is and forever always will be. Lord of Hosts, my banner. I give you praise for there is none like you. I worship an glorify your name for you are the King and my Lord and my exceedingly great Reward.
Today Father I am thankful unto you for my parents. Thank you for the M.C and MamaG. Thank you for their lives, thank you for the valleys and mountains that You have seen them through. Thank you for helping them to be great parents, thank you for allowing me to enter the earth via them. Thank you even for the fact that they are not perfect, it teaches me that it is by your grace and your grace alone that we do what we have been called to do. Father, thank you for the relationship they have with me; it isn't always perfect and I know we can all do better but I thank you in anticipation of the greater things that you have in store for us. Heavenly Father you know that sometimes I get so used to the fact that they are Mummy and Daddy that I forget that they are individuals as well. That they have strengths and weaknesses, they have desires, needs, goals and aspirations. I thank you for my parents as individuals, thank you for guiding them and keeping them, thank you for what you will still do in their lives in Jesus name. Thank you for they shall live to rejoice as they see their children succeeding in every facet of life in Jesus name.
Father your word says that we should ask that our joy may be full, today O Lord I ask for clarity of purpose. I know you are a God of purpose, you create for function. There is a purpose for my existence, there is a purpose to my life. The created must go to the Creator in order to know what it is we have been created for. Father, show me the instruction manual for my life that I might live in destiny. You re a God of purpose, in the beginning, the first thing you did was to create light because where there is light, other things will fall into place. Daddy, I give you praise. Shine light on my purpose, reveal the reason for why I was created. I can see it dimly, almost seeing men as trees but like the man you healed i want to see men as men. Father, reveal to me the purpose for my existence. I know I was created to worship you and work in your vineyard, Lord reveal more ways how I can do this. Enable me to be available for work in the Kingdom in Jesus name.
I rebuke every thing that would want me to live another person's purpose. Father, you know that sometimes I feel the more 'visible' roles are the more 'spiritual' ones and I tire myself out living other people's lives. Not so anymore Lord. I refuse to do this anymore, like a runner who runs to finish the race that has been set before them, i refuse to run the race on another's track and hence be disqualified. I am happy and rejoice in who you made me to be for no-one has this winning combination. In my purpose, I can celebrate my uniqueness, clarify my purpose O Lord. Father, not my purpose but your purpose for my life for I may have my will and you have yours also but not my will but thine be done. Let me be like Paul who knew his purpose, to preach to the Gentiles, so that at the end I too can testify that I have fought the good fight, have finished the race and kept the faith and am awaiting the crown of righteousness that you have kept in store for me.
Clarify your purpose for my life O Lord for while I work in my purpose, I need not fear death because no evil can come my way before my appointed time and when it comes it means that I shall meet you in glory. Jesus lived for 33 years on earth and we are still living in the impact thousands of years later. Use me to impact my Jerusalem, my Samaria, my Judea and the world for you O Lord in Jesus name. Thank you Heavenly father, thank you for grace to obey the step by step instructions you have given me for I know this is how your purpose for my life unfolds. Thank you Father, thank you Lord in Jesus name I pray. Amen.
For Christ did not send me to baptize but to preach the gospel.....1st Corinthians 1:17a
Clarity of purpose...Lord, I want! Amen.
felt very convicted reading this prayer. sometimes i forget its not all about me!! God bless u darl.
amen and amen!!
I said this prayer for myself just like you wrote it...
thank you!
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