Merry Christmas everyone. Thank God for Jesus is the reason for the season. He emptied himself of His divinity to embrace humanity and love us to infinity. Be merry, rejoice and most importantly surround yourself with people you love.
A prayer for healing
Jesus. J E S U S, there is power in your name. Thank you for sending Jesus to the earth. Thank you for a season where family and friends gather together to share food, thoughts and fun. Thank you Lord Jesus. I praise your name for you are worthy of praise and glory. Jesus; the one who is the way, the truth and the life. The only way to the Father, the only way to the salvation of our souls, the only way to eternal life. He is the truth, the truth about the love of our Father, the truth above the facts of life. The life, our zoe, the God kind of life. He is the life that comes with abundant joy and peace. My God and my King, I give you glory and praise your name. I ask your forgiveness for how easy it is sometimes for me to attempt to squeeze you into a little box whilst I run around doing this, that and the other. Thank you for holding me in your arms when I have become dizzy from running around in circles. Thank you for gently turning me in the right direction and keeping my hand in yours so that I can walk at the right pace. Thank you for knowing what is best for me and revealing it to me so that I can live my best life now...I join the elders to sing "Holy is the Lord, the whole earth is filled with His glory".
Heavenly Father, today my prayer is for healing. Jesus came to earth and everywhere He went He was doing good. He opened blind eyes, the lame walked, he raised the dead, he healed the sick, the deaf heard, the dumb spoke, the lepers were cleansed. Daddy, this shows me that healing is very important to you. Your word says that the Sun of righteousness shall arise with healing in His wings. You are the Lord that healeth us, by the stripes that Jesus took, we have been healed. Your name is Jehovah Rapha..the Lord who heals.
Daddy, today I stand in the authority I have as a believer. You said if we have faith as a mustard seed we can move mountains. Lord, I believe starting with my own body from the crown of my head to the soles of my feet I have received healing. Every cell, every joint, every muscle, every organ, every system within me functions as it was created to function. I receive healing in my body O lord. Father, forgive me for ways that I have not lived in divine health. Give me the strength to put the right stuff in; nutrients that keep everything going. Give me the strength to not be a couch potato and exercise this body. Daddy, thank you for keeping me this far; thanks for always thwarting the enemies plans concerning my health and my body. I rebuke anaemia from my body, thank you for new red blood cells. Thank you for my network (K, Mg, S.Y and S)who remind me about my iron tabs.
Father, I stand in the same authority to pray for healing for those who read these pages. Lord, beneath peoples smiles and songs, some battle with heavy burdens. Father Lord, I believe you for healing from cancer, your truth is higher than the fact. Those things that be not, we can speak into existence. Lord, I believe you for the miraculous. I ask for a reGENEration of cancer cells that they stop multiplying without control and they go back into their original design in Jesus name. At all times Lord your will be done but Father I yearn for testimonies to your glory. Father, give strength to those who are battling with other diseases; Jesus, you gave a man with a withered hand a new one, you opened the eyes of one who had been born blind. Daddy, I ask for new lungs, new hearts, new hands, new wombs, new eggs, new fallopian tubes, new kidneys, everything new. What is impossible with man can never be impossible with you. Take the glory Lord. Father, teach us that when we pray you always answer us even when your answer is not what we expected, give us the grace to trust that you are still in control.
Olodumare, even at this time, I am reminded that infirmities are not only of the physical sort. Sometimes cruel words can do more damage than sticks and stones can; the scars of such bruises remaining for much longer than we can imagine. Sometimes I feel like I'm healed and I've let go but a word, a face, sometimes just an expression triggers of some emotions and I realise that the scab over the sore is very thin indeed. Lord, heal me from deep within. Daddy, heal us from deep within. Give us the grace to let go of the past and embrace the new thing. Help me to let go of the pain and embrace joy. Help me to let go of hurt and embrace the new day of love. I pray this for my friends; escpecially O and C. Heal my emotions, that I love deeply, truly (dunno about madly sha!). Thank you Jesus, you came to take the curse that I might live a truly blessed life. Thank you for bearing my infirmities that I need not bear them anymore. Thank you for Zoe; an abundant life in you. Thank you that we can pray and you hear us and we are guaranteed an answer.
2008 continues to be our year of UNCOMMON TESTIMONY. An uncommon testimony; your being here and reading this is an uncommon testimony of itself. If it wasn't; all who started 2008 would still be here. Selah.
He said, "If you listen carefully to the voice of the LORD your God and do what is right in his eyes, if you pay attention to his commands and keep all his decrees, I will not bring on you any of the diseases I brought on the Egyptians, for I am the LORD, who heals you." Exodus 15:26
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