Friday, 26 November 2010

iPray Fridays: That your faith may not fail

"Simon, Simon, Satan has asked to sift all of you as wheat. But I have prayed for you, Simon, that your faith may not fail. And when you have turned back, strengthen your brothers.”

Luke 22: 31 -32

The beautiful thing about God's word is the way a verse or passage you have read so many times can literally just jump off the page at you as if seeing it for the very first time. I had that experience this morning with the Scripture above. Later on in this same chapter, Peter is tested and he does fail...yet Jesus said he would pray for him that his faith may not fail. This means there is a difference between making a mistake (failing) and your faith failing. 

I don't know how it is that we become conditioned to believe that hard times and the challenges of life have to do with God punishing us. I must admit that in recent times I have been pondering on my understanding of who God is and how He relates with His children. Sometimes the God I see in the Bible is different from the God I have been taught about. Satan is the enemy, he wants to sift us as wheat..I just realised something as I write...wheat must be sifted to separate the chaff from the is uncomfortable but then how do we know that we know what we think we know if we aren't tested (I hope that makes sense)? 

Sometimes we find the sifting process too hard or too difficult or too long and somewhere our faith fails...we don't believe what we used to believe, we don't trust who we used to trust. However today like Jesus I pray that our faith does not fail, that we hold on through the sifting process. That even though like Peter we fail...the seed of faith on the inside of us remains viable and like a mustard seed no matter how tiny it is under the right conditions it will germinate and become a mighty tree. Most importantly, when we turn back to the right path we must share our story and encourage our brethren back to the Ancient paths.


Let's pray together. Click comments.


Zoe Believer said...

'They ask me who You are, I say that You are the Christ, Son of the Living God'.

You are the refuge in the time of the storm. Alpha and Omega, the One who is never taken by surprise. Daddy, it's me again standing in need of prayer. I'm grateful to You for your goodness in my life thus far, where You have brought me from and where You are taking me to.

Daddy this week, You have shown me the error of my ways that my speech has betrayed my lack of faith. That my reality has become what I see with the eyes of my flesh as opposed to what I see with the eyes of my spirit. O Lord, my talk has been that of defeat instead of that of a winner, of a champion. I have rejected my reGENEration and walked as a mere man. Yes I have been sifted as wheat but Lord help me and intercede on my behalf that my faith may not fail.

My reality is what your word says about me. I want to see it, I want to hear it with the ears of the spirit. Everything is turning around for my good. Everything is turning around for my success. Everything is turning around for my increase. I love you Lord.

Yes Lord with the strength You give me I will encourage those You have allowed to walk on the same path. I bless and magnify Your name in Jesus name. Thank You daddy, its always great talking to You.

Remi said...

God bless you girl.
What I am learning to do more so than ever is not run away or please for an escape route in times of trials, but see them as God sees and intends to use them. For my growth and breaking forth and ultimately for His glory.

I see with the eyes of God, through the power of the Holy Spirit.

God bless you girl..

Unknown said...

You wrote: “must share our story and encourage our brethren back to the Ancient paths. “

[To separate,] An important question is who was the historical Yeshua – the Messiah? What was the ancient path?

We can learn this by studying Messianic prophecies. One of them is Yeshayahu [”Isaiah”] 9:5-6. In Hebrew, according to etymology (science of the origins of words and their meaning), the prophecy prophecies that both Ribi Yehoshua ha-Mashiakh [“the Messiah”] and his followers will keep the directives of Torah [“the books of Moses”] and teach others that they must do likewise. So now one can discern if one is following Yehoshua – the Messiah – based on that prophecy.If one wants to walk on the ancient path – that all followers of the Creator has walked - one can learn how on the website of

Anders Branderud