Wednesday, 23 May 2007

Make we jolly!

Hiya all!

I'm sorry if you were expecting a post in pidgin..that I am incapable of doing! Anyways my sister has been driving me crazy with this song 'Make we jolly'. It seems most of the Nollywood actors and actresses want to add another stream to their income and have decided to go into music. I've heard some horrendous sounds presented as music but no names shall be mentioned.

The post's title is a song by Patience Ozokwor a.k.a. Mama G (G for general) or old school. I love her as an actress, she does play her parts really well. As for the song, well I have no comments about the vocals or the video but it is quite funny.

The essence of the song is just as the title suggests, that we should be jolly. Life is too short to be spent brooding and depressed. This morning during my power hour (a.k.a quiet time) I just got this word in my spirit..REJOICE! Yes, everything might not be going the way it should but rejoice anyway. I just began to break out in songs of praise and worship to the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords.

I see too many of us allow issues to weigh us down so much until it begins to seep away our joy. We then wonder why there seems to be no way out..remember the joy of the Lord is our strength (Nehemiah 8:10) and when there is no joy, our strength becomes small and it looks like the mountains cannot be overcome.

I just went to Philipians because I remembered from Sunday school that my uncle Paul penned an epistle sometimes called the Book of joy. I encourage you to read it whenever you feel 'down in the dumps'.

Paul encourages us to rejoice in the Lord always (Philipians 4:4). Our rejoicing is not in ourselves or our abilities but in the ONE who is faithful concerning the promises that He has made to us. The One who has promised never to leave or forsake us, the One whom when we pray to, we are assured that He not only hears but is able to answer. We are also to rejoice always which means not just on Sundays, or when we get paid, or when Mr or Miss Right comes along, or when we land the dream job. We must rejoice when the bills are due, in sickness, in times of confusion and betrayal. When you don't know what to do..REJOICE!

I've heard it said countless times that joy and happiness are different. Happiness is dependent on circumstances whilst joy is independent of it. It's not easy o, i am not suggesting it is but start somewhere. If no song comes to your spirit, put one in your CD player or scan through your Ipod. Call someone who can encourage and pray with you.

When we rejoice in spite of our circumstances, we show God that we have faith that what we are going through is temporary and therefore SUBJECT TO CHANGE. We also tell the devil..u berra don't mess with me because I am appointed for breakthrough.

Remember that although Paul was encouraging us to rejoice in this book, he was writing from a prison cell. Joy is one of the fruits of the spirit (Gal 5:22) so if your tank is low..the Holy Spirit is more than able and willing to give you a 'top-up'.

I'm excited because I sense a season of great breakthroughs. When the storm is over, we will be able to see clearly but whilst still in it we must rejoice and trust. It is well.

So make we jolly!

Remain blessed



Anonymous said...

hrd patience ozokwor is now singing!i wonder what she sounds like

♥♫♪nyemoni♫♪♥ said...

LOL! Heard about the song myself....I wonder what she sounds like!! Nigerians must be the jacks of all trades sha!

Zoe Believer said...

The video is on YouTube

@pink-satin:Thanks for visiting my blog. I'm not sure I can answer that question, honestly I'm not sure it's her voice cos it don't sound like her. Remain blessed.

@nyemoni: How is it going in your world today? Trust good. Remain blessed.

Allied said...

All these Nollywood Actors and Actresses are Hustlers. The only one that can really sing is Stella Damascus, every one else is "Mon try".

Ok - the main Purpose. "Make we Jolly"

There is an adage that says - Whoever knows how to think, will always rejoice in the God.

You cannot "Rejoice in Lord always" without understanding the concept behind it.

This matter of "rejoicing" has to do with how we feel. Furthermore, we are quite familiar with the fact that our feelings sometimes don't go exactly the way we would like. Our feelings are strongly influenced by external factors. External causes always fluctuate and change. They are not always pleasant ones either. When our normal mental approach of "since I had happy things happen I am joyful" is the case, the exhortation to "rejoice always" is nonsensical. Therefore, what is being spoken about here doesn't seem to be in the dimension of "I am rejoicing when there are happy happenings." Rather, the truth is that "You can be joyful no matter what the external conditions are," and if we go further, the fact is "Even in the midst of difficulties or even in distress or sorrow you can be joyful."

I know this because Paul was in prison when he wrote that Verse. He related his own joy under that circumstance in Philippians 2:17: "Moreover, according to faith at this time you are offering up a sacrifice and serving in worship, I rejoice even though my blood is being spilled."

How many of us can do that?

I have started to rejoice in all situations. Because i know God said "Be still for i am GOD"

Zoe Believer said...

@allied: My sister, your words are inspired. Thanks for expanding this. Do you call in for TERC? It's not easy to rejoice in adverse circumstances but we must because it shows that we believe that there must surely be a way out. Remain blessed.

@ all: Unfortunately, the link for the video appears to be wrong. Just search with the song title if you want to watch it. Remain blessed.

Allied said...

@ believer - No i dont call for TERC. i dont know much about it. Would you care to elaborate please?

Zoe Believer said...

@allied: Hello dear, TERC (The Early Risers Call) is a Bible study. It's over the phone..a conference call and people just come together, pray, praise and share the word. I must confess I haven't attended in ages but because it's US time (i think EST)'s my 11am and i gotta be at work! There's more info on the link (TERC) from my blog.
The more people call in, the merrier. By the grace of God, I should be there next week. Remain blessed.

Daddy's Girl said...

'Make we jolly' for real... the knowledge that He loves us is enough reason to rejoice.

Zoe Believer said...

@DG:True, true