Friday, 20 August 2010

iPray Fridays: This time next year according to the season of life

Then the Lord said, "I will surely return to you about this time next year, and Sarah your wife will have a son."

Genesis 18:10a

Now the Lord was gracious to Sarah as he had said, and the Lord did for Sarah what he had promised.

Genesis 21:1

Thank God it's another iPray Friday. Lord, thank you because today meets us alive and well. There are so many things we take for granted, that I take for granted such as each and every Friday I will be here to pray. That I even have an avenue to pray and a platform to pray, Daddy I'm grateful. For the faithful brothers and sisters that join me to pray, Father I'm grateful. Lord, that I serve a prayer answering God, I am indeed grateful. Thank you so much for everything.

Today I would like to pray for couples who are trusting God for the fruit of the womb. I have a number of friends where this used to be the case but to the glory of God, the story has changed. It's difficult to explain the different emotions that come with trying to have a baby which should be relatively simple but month after month knowing that not just yet. Doctors do their best, science can explain to the best of its ability but our Creator always has the final verdict. I trust God and believe that if He could do it for Abraham and Sarah, I'm not sure there's anyone whose situation was more impossible than that.

After many disappointments, its easy for one's faith to fail but I pray today that the joy of the Lord will be your strength. That your days of laughter, your Isaac is not far ahead. That yes, even if I don't know you in the season of life I pray that you will have your own testimony in Jesus name. For the one who cries and asks God 'Why' and 'When', I don't have any answers but to encourage you that no matter how you feel God sees you and knows you by name and He will meet you. I pray that He gives you a specific word that you can run with.

People can we pray for our brothers and sisters today. If you know anyone you would like to pray for specifically, you can use them as a point of contact..anon if you please. I believe God, you shall laugh soon in Jesus name. You can also pray for expectant mothers...there are so many around me it's almost like an epidemic (lol) that God will see them through in Jesus name.

Remain blessed and highly favoured.


Wednesday, 18 August 2010

iWorship Wednesdays: Calling my name

I don't know about you but I have messed up so many times. With God, with people. When I listen to this song, I see myself sitting in a room all by myself musing over what I've done wrong. I hear the voices of the others, the 'good' ones having fellowship with their Father, they are laughing, they are fellowshipping...all of a sudden there is silence as I hear His voice call out...Where is Zoe? I want her here with me. He's always called me, He's always kept His arms open. O Lord, I desperately want to be home with you....always.

It's quite a long song and I haven't included the lyrics but it's a beautiful song that reminds me of the love our Heavenly Father has for us. He knows us as individuals, He knows our names. Our names are inscribed in the palms of His hands. He's calling your name today....will you answer?

Monday, 16 August 2010

iMeditate Mondays

Do not let this Book of the Law depart from your mouth; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful.

Joshua 1:8

/meditate/: To plan, consider or think of doing..

Hi people,

iMeditate Mondays is about delving deeper. About the word becoming flesh and living amongst us. I was reading some notes from the sermons I sat in last year and wondering...what happens after my pen has created 'stories' from what Pastor has said? How has my life changed based on the words I have just listened to? It isn't enough to write's like basing your university degree on how many lectures you attended or how many notes you wrote but on what was learnt. For learning to take place, one must reflect; reflect on the new knowledge coming in and construct new realities.

The sermon I listened to yesterday was about doing the Father's will. In Samaria, Jesus disciples brought him some food and He said his food was to do His Father's will (John 4). The harvest is ripe, the workers are few. The questions I'm asking myself..

What does being relevant in the Kingdom of God mean? Is this just about being a church worker? Someone asked me a question on Twitter recently about whether it was essential one became a worker in their church...what do you think? What does doing the Father's will mean to be personally?


iMeditate Mondays. Please join...Click comments. Add yours..

Friday, 13 August 2010

iPray Fridays: One Flesh

The man said, "This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called woman,  for she was taken out of man." For this reason a man will leave his father and his mother and be united to his wife, and they will become ONE FLESH. The man and his wife were both naked and they felt no shame.

Genesis 2:23-25

Happy 29th anniversary to Denalyn, the love of my life. Because of you, my winter has no chill, summer no heat and i can't stop smiling!

@MaxLucado (From Twitter...8/8/2010)

Dear all,

Firstly, Daddy I thank you for another opportunity to be alive for iPray Fridays. Today we will be lifting up marriages and romantic relationships before our Heavenly Father. This is for married people as well as singles..a few weeks ago a dear friend told me that 'if she knew this was what marriage was about, she would rather have waited to be 40 than being married'. All over the world, we lament at what is called a 'failing institution', we all know statistics, interesting that the divorce rate both within and without of the church has no significant difference anymore. Well today is not about numbers or sharing stories but about going back to basics, back to the beginning. Marriage was instituted by God, I see it as a 'type' for the relationship He desires to have with us. To be one with us.

Tweets like the one shared above from Pastor Lucado fill me with hope because truth is there are a lot of beautiful stories I know..Like my friends TA/DA and TP/TP..when you are around  couples like them you know that even though relationships can be tough, with God as your foundation you can overcome any storm. So today we offer prayers for the institution of marriage, married folk that we know especially those going through crisis, its not enough to talk about it but to pray about it. We also pray for single people, after the decision to make Jesus Christ your Lord and Master, who you marry is the next significant decision you can make.

So pray, anonymously or not. God who sees your prayers in secret will reward you openly. It is His desire that our marriages are a taste of heaven on earth. Don't settle for less.

So iPray, do you?

Wednesday, 11 August 2010

iWorship Wednesdays: Only Praise

Hello people

Hope your week is panning out great. There are those days when its all dark and gloomy and its not just because its winter, there seems to be no light anywhere. Those days when we can't pray we need to learn how to press beyond the heaviness to praise. This morning I praised God simply because my bus came on time...'its those little things He does that mean so much to me'. This song made me fall in love with Infinity, I pray it makes you fall even more in love with the Father. Thank you Infinity.

Friday, 6 August 2010

iPray Fridays: Letters to Home


Dear Daddy

It hurts real bad.


Dear daughter

I know, my child, I know. But I am here and I am listening. Don't lose sight of me in your need to come home.

Your Father..

Because some days, you can't use a prayer book and there are no '10 steps to receiving your breakthrough''s just you and your Daddy and you can sit silent in His presence, cry, speak, rant just because He is your Daddy. Write your letter to home today, it's a letter to your could be a letter of thanksgiving, a letter of adoration or it could be a letter asking Why? Your daddy is always here and let's face it, there's nothing you can say that will take him by surprise because He knows your start writing!!

Remain blessed and highly favoured


Wednesday, 4 August 2010

Songs that inspire; Power of your love

I woke up this morning, with the chorus of this song in my heart. Please prayerfully meditate on the words of this song. The love of God is something I still cannot understand. How he can love the sinner and hate the sin, how He can take me back after I've made a mistake. How He can wash me with the blood of His son. How He can both be a God of judgement and one of mercy. What I know is that His love is indeed powerful enough to heal any broken heart. We must avail ourselves of His love because He is love. That is His nature. Lord, today I ask that you increase the depth of our knowledge regarding the love you have for us in Jesus name. Thanks Hillsong.